We’ve been so encouraged by more and more organisations reaching out to us for mental health training. The last month has seen a big spike in the number of sessions we have delivered right across the country, and it looks like the next few months will be just as busy.
We do still have some availabilities as we approach mental health week in early to mid-October, and as the year rapidly comes to an end.
Face-to-face and virtual mental health training sessions are available; all delivered by experienced and highly relatable psychologists.
Topics covered:
· What do we know about men’s mental health?
· Signs and symptoms of mental ill-health.
· Overcoming typical barriers to support.
· Supporting your own mental health, as well as others (i.e., how to care, not carry).
· When, how and where to refer people for additional support.
Want to learn more about Men’s Mental Health? Reach out to Mantle if you’d like an experienced psychologist to speak with you and your people about this incredibly important topic. There may be no better time as we move closer to men’s health week in mid-June.
More facts and details on the training for your organisation are available here.