Tonight we attended the Australian Men’s Health Forum Men’s Health Forum Men’s Health Awards 2021.

Congratulations to all award nominees and award winners.

People’s Choice Winners
Tim Hewson from Mongrels Men – NSW
Michael Lauria from Forging Excalibur – VIC
Aaron Schultz from Outback Mind – QLD
Soa Palelei from Strong Minds, Strong Mines – WA
Steve Whillas – SA
TasDads – TAS
Jim Smith from Menzies School of Health Research – NT

Best New Men’s Health Initiative
Atherton Men’s Shed Physical Activity Program
Contribution to Men’s Health Research
Dr Jacqui Macdonald
Men’s Health Equity Award
Multicultural Men’s Group of SA
Best Content Creator/ Community Builder Award
Liam Sorrell from Australian Dad’s Network
Local Men’s Health Champion
Lachie Samuel

We are so humbled to have won Top 3 People’s Choice Award (QLD) and Runner Up Best New Men’s Health Initiative.

Let’s all continue to collaborate and work together to improve Australian men’s health across the lives of boys and men!